Penn Purchasing Logo Image with Penn Shield
Bookstore Charge Card FAQs

How do I apply for the Bookstore Charge Card?

Is there required training?

What is the difference between the Individual and Department issued Bookstore Charge Card?

What can I purchase with my Bookstore Charge Card?

How many departmental cards is my department allowed to have?

What is the best way to keep a log for the Department Charge Card?

What other forms of payment are accepted at the Penn Bookstore?

When should a Purchase Order be used versus the Penn Bookstore Charge Card?

Can I ask for a single limit increase if the transaction is over my limit?

How do I find my transaction in Ben for reallocations?

How do I view my transactions in PaymentNet?

How do I see transactions made with the card?

How can I document the business purpose of the transaction within PaymentNet?

How do I run my monthly Statement?

What are the limits on the cards?

What if I have a transaction over my single limit?

What if I move departments? Can I take my individual card with me?

What if I move departments and I’m the custodian for my department?

What if I don’t need my card anymore or leave the University?




How do I apply for the Bookstore Charge Card?

You can apply by accessing the online application selecting the Bookstore Charge Card depending on which card you will are applying for (Individual or Departmental).

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Is there required training?

Yes, training can be found in Knowledge Link and searching Bookstore Charge Card, or by clicking on Bookstore training here.

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What is the difference between the Individual and Department issued Bookstore Charge Card?

Individual Bookstore Charge Cards: Follows the same processes and policies, as the standard Pcard, but can only be used at the Penn Bookstore.

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Department Bookstore Charge Cards: Follows the same processes and policies as the Individual Bookstore Charge Card, but is issued to a department, managed by a Custodian, and may be used by any individual authorized to do so by their department.

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What can I purchase with my Bookstore Charge Card?

Items that may be purchased with the Bookstore Charge Card include, reading materials, tokens of appreciation for visiting professors, scholars, or staff such as Penn branded memorabilia, greeting cards, or electronic/computer peripheral accessories.

How many departmental cards is my department allowed to have?

It is up to the department on how the department with monitor the distribution of the cards.

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What is the best way to keep a log for the Department Charge Card?

It is up to the department if they want to keep a paper log or an electric log to sign out the card to the specific individual using the card.

What other forms of payment are accepted at the Penn Bookstore?

Pcard can continue to be used at the Penn Bookstore as well as Purchase Orders.

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When should a Purchase Order be used versus the Penn Bookstore Charge Card?

Purchase Order may be used when the dollar amount of your purchase exceeds the threshold limit for your Penn Bookstore Charge Card or for instances where the purchase is pre-planned and coordinated with the Bookstore, such as course materials, bulk purchases of books or clothing, or graduation regalia, and special-order items.

Can I ask for a single limit increase if the transaction is over my limit?

Yes, please submit the single limit transaction increase form

How do I find my transaction in Ben for reallocations?

With respect to re-allocations in BEN, a reallocator will be able to search the Bookstore Charge Card transactions by searching unposted journals %Bxxxxxx%. The “Bnumber” will be given to the cardholder/custodian of the card when the application has been submitted to the bank for processing.

How do I view my transactions in PaymentNet?

From the menu bar on the PaymentNet Home page, click [Transactions > Manage].

Menu Bar

The next screen will show the Transaction List. The default view is listed as "last 30 days (system)".

Filter By

Note: As Penn exports Purchasing Card transactions into the BEN Financials system on a weekly basis, the default view will only show transactions within the last week (those not exported to BEN).

Other transactions can be viewed by selecting "Waiting for My Review" or "Waiting for my Approval" by clicking on the drop-down arrow next to the listed view. Click the "set as Default Query" link have either one of those views come up every time you return to this screen.

Up to 36 months of transaction history will be available to view from within PaymentNet.

Cardholders/Custodian of a card will see their own list of transactions. Individuals with either the Transaction Approver or Manager roles will have access to view and report on the same information for all Cardholders in their respective areas of responsibility.

How do I see transactions made with the card?

Clicking on a specific transaction line on the Transaction List will open the Transaction Detail screen.

The left-side of the Transaction Details screen shows a summary of information from the Transaction List.

The right side contains the default P-Card Account, Penn ID, Number (a reference number for use in BEN Financials), and Card Type.

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How can I document the business purpose of the transaction within PaymentNet?

The business purpose of each transaction can be entered in the Transaction Notes field on the Transaction Detail screen.

Transaction notes must include:

  • A brief description of the item(s) purchased
  • The business purpose of the purchase
  • Changes in the account to be charged (if applicable)

Once you have entered your information, be sure to click [SAVE] on that same screen.

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How do I run my monthly Statement?

Enter PaymentNet (

Click on Reports Tab - Report Lists- Open Statement of Account Portrait

Reports List

Filter Rows tab click

Change name of Report (take the word portrait out)

Name of Report

Click on Post Date is in Last Month and change to:

Postdate is relative to prior period billing Cycle as seen below:

Specify Filter

Click “Continue”

Click Continue

Click on Scheduling tab and choose

Schedule for: Self


Frequency: Monthly and Days: 28

Reports Scheduling

Click “Save”

Click Save

Click Run if you need this month only. Going forward the report will be in your download ready for you to print on the 28th of the month.

To print statement:

From Reports- Downloads-

Click on report name in “Output” column once the report status is Successful

Available Downloads

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What are the limits on the cards?

Standard limits are the same as the standard Pcard, $4,999 per month and $1,000 per transaction

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What if I have a transaction over my single limit?

Please submit the single limit transaction increase form

What if I move departments? Can I take my individual card with me?

If you have an individual card and your new department requires you to have the Bookstore Charge Card then you can submit the Transfer Form.

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What if I move departments and I’m the custodian for my department?

Please reach out to for directions

What if I don’t need my card anymore or leave the University?

Please submit the delete form