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Welcome to Sustainable Purchasing

In keeping with Penn's Climate Action Plan (3.0), Procurement Services promotes sustainable supply chains. In collaboration with Penn Sustainability, Procurement Services works with its suppliers and the Penn community to actively identify and promote products and processes that are environmentally friendly.

Procurement Services is a member of the Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council, a non-profit organization whose mission is to support and recognize purchasing leadership that accelerates the transition to a prosperous and sustainable future. The Council’s programs help institutional purchasers: prioritize opportunities to influence the socioeconomic and environmental impact of purchased goods and services, identify existing leadership standards and approaches that address these priorities, benchmark progress toward goals, and receive recognition for advancement.

Procurement Services helps drive sustainability in Penn's supply chain by:

  • Identifying, enabling, and/or promoting green product solutions
  • Working with suppliers to implement green solutions
  • Recognizing green purchasing champions in the Penn community
  • Tracking individual impact to Penn's sustainability efforts among its staff

Procurement Services also lives green. Its suite maintains Level 4 Green Office Certification while its staff includes zero single-passenger vehicle commuters. Furthermore, the organization continually strives to implement efficient, electronic processes, thus removing paper from daily purchasing transactions.