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Additional Training Available For Managing AppleOne Contingent Labor

As you may know, as of December 12, 2016 the Agile-1 Acceleration VMS system, became the standard for managing AppleOne contingent labor. About a month’s time has elapsed since the completion of the on-site and webinar trainings.  In order to ensure that you have all of the resources you need, we have attached a copy of the Manager's Reference Guide. *Please note that if you are entering the system as a shopper in the Penn Marketplace refer to page 20 for instructions.*

For those who may have missed the training or who may want to revisit, there will be two additional webinars that you will need to register for prior to the date/time of the actual training.  Please see the times offered below, click on the link and complete the registration.

January 18th: 10 – 11am CST / 11am – 12pm EST

January 19th: 2 – 3pm CST / 3pm - 4pm EST


This training will review the new process and what new steps you will need to take in order to obtain contingent workers.  It will also demonstrate how to execute the proper PO process, review and approve timecards, and generate/run detailed reports on an as-needed basis. This will be a live training, so if you have questions, you will be able to ask them in real time.  If you have not yet taken the training, it is highly suggested that you do so.