Penn Marketplace Enhancements Go Live on Monday, April 16
In anticipation of Go-Live, here are important dates you should consider as Penn users and its supplier community approach the launch of the enhanced Penn Marketplace.
Penn Marketplace Enhancements Important Dates:
- Wednesday, March 28 – Web-based training launched for Preparers and Approvers on Knowledge Link
- Friday, April 6 – Q&A Sessions begin and continue through the next four weeks
- Sunday, April 8 – Multiple ship-to functionality on a single purchase order is removed in BEN
- Wednesday, April 11 (5 p.m.) – No new suppliers may be submitted on paper PDA forms to Accounts Payable nor be added into BEN
- All supplier onboarding will commence on Monday, April 16 in Penn Marketplace
- Friday, April 13 –
- (3:00 p.m.) All “in-process” Purchase Orders should be approved to avoid rejection from Procurement Services
- (5:00 p.m.) BEN Financials will be unavailable until Go-Live on Monday 4/16 at 8 a.m.
- (5:00 p.m.) Preparers and Approvers should complete web-based training
- Monday, April 16 –
- (8:00 a.m.) Go-Live - all functionality is available including Supplier Onboarding, PO Invoicing, and Non-PO Payment Requests
- (8:00 a.m.) BEN Financials will be available
- First wave of existing suppliers can be invited by Procurement Services to register on Penn Marketplace
- Monday, April 23 – Historical paid invoices and invoice statuses become available to registered suppliers in the portal
All Penn Marketplace Enhancements Project-related questions can be directed to