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Upcoming Individual Service Provider: Classification and Payment Virtual Sessions

The next Individual Service Provider:  Classification and Payment sessions are available.  Go Knowledge Link ( to register today!


Please note:  All instructor-led training is now being conducted via a virtual classroom.

Once registered, details will be sent separately via email.


Tip:  If you have previously attended this session and would like a refresher, you are more than welcome to attend – the content is basically the same as prior sessions with updates as appropriate.



Tuesday, July 14th   10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Wednesday, August 12th 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.


Who Should Register: Individual Service Providers: Classification & Payment training is intended for anyone who is involved with any of the following:

  • Hiring employees or temporary workers
  • Processing honoraria payments
  • Procuring the services of and paying independent contractors or other individual service providers
  • Creating or approving BEN Buys requisitions or purchase orders for independent contractors

Pre-requisites: Attendees should review the following materials found on the Individual Service Provider Classification website in advance of the session:

  • Classifying Individual Service Providers:  Classification and Payment Training Presentation
  • Service Provider Questionnaire (Service Provider Completes)
  • Service Provider Evaluation (School/Center HR Director Completes)
  • Procedural Guide for Independent Contractors and Limited Engagements
  • Limited Engagement Agreements: US Persons, Non-Resident Aliens, and Global

General Objectives: On completion of this module, the participant should be able to:

  • Understand the key federal laws and regulations governing and Penn policies for classifying, paying, and taxing employees and individual service providers
  • Utilize the worker classification questionnaires to properly classify individual service providers
  • Properly process and submit payment requests for the various individual service provider classifications (employees, temporary workers, independent contractors or other individual providers) and honoraria
  • Locate resources for assistance