Penn Purchasing Logo Image with Penn Shield

A University Preferred Contract Supplier of Audiovisual Equipment, Services & Supplies

Cenero, a provider of audiovisual equipment, services and supplies, is a University preferred contract supplier. Cenero provides systems design, support and installation for permanent audiovisual applications, and audiovisual and presentation technology services to help customers create successful meetings, corporate events, trade shows and exhibits.

Ordering Information

All Cenero product requirements must be processed via the BEN Buys purchasing system. The University's MasterCard Purchasing Card cannot be used for purchases Cenero. Product and pricing information is available from the Cenero sales representative listed below.

Supplier Information


Supplier Contact Information
BEN Buys Supplier #: 245172
Main Customer Support Contact: Rob Gilfillan
Phone #: (610) 368-3119


Procurement Services encourages faculty and staff to provide feedback on the performance of University preferred contract suppliers.