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Green Product Certifications

Energy Star CertificationThe University is committed to purchasing Energy Star qualified products such as printers, computers, and appliances. Penn Computing Green Information Technology (IT) program has established recommended guidelines for IT purchases that include Energy Star 4.0 compliant desktops and replacing CRT monitors with LCD monitors.

EPEAT CertificationEPEAT (Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool) is a system to help compare and select desktop computers, notebooks and monitors based on their environmental attributes. EPEAT has three tiers of environmental performance

(Bronze, Silver and Gold)

FSC CertificationAll Penn branded stationary is printed on 30 percent PCR chlorine-free paper, Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and Green Seal certified, and the electricity used to manufacture this paper is offset with 100 percent Green certified wind certificates.

Green Seal CertificationGreen Seal certification requires that the product contain a minimum of 30% post-consumer recycled content. Certification also requires that manufacturing operations be improved to reduce their use of energy and materials as well as reduce wastes

and emissions associated with the process of making the product.