Penn Purchasing Logo Image with Penn Shield
Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why is Penn implementing enhancements to the Penn Marketplace?

Q. What will the Penn Marketplace Enhancements do? How will it improve our current processes?

Q. I’ve heard of the “Supplier Portal Initiative.”  Is it related to the launch of the enhanced Penn Marketplace?

Q. How will I be able to obtain support after Go-Live?

Q. Where can I learn more about the enhanced Penn Marketplace?

Q. How do I log in to Penn Marketplace?

Preparers and Approvers

Q. How are Preparers and Approvers chosen to fulfill these roles in Penn Marketplace?

Q. What is the role of a Preparer?

Q. Does a Preparer need to know the Chart of Accounts?

Q. What is the role of an Approver?

Q. Can there be multiple Approvers with the same dollar-level approval in a given ORG?

Q. Can an Approver also be a Preparer and create and submit Non-PO Payment Requests?

Q. What is an Approving Org?

Q. How does a School and Center request to add or remove a Preparer and/or Approver to its hierarchy?

Q. Can I resend an approved purchase order myself from the Penn Marketplace?

Non-Po Payment Requests

Q. What is a Non-PO Payment Request?

Q. Will PDAs remain in circulation once Penn Marketplace Enhancements are launched to the community?

Q. Can end users type in a full 26-digit account string on Non-PO Payment Requests, as opposed to selecting values for each segment?

Q. Are there any restrictions on the type or size of attachments that are uploaded?

Q. How long will documents be retained in Penn Marketplace?

Q. Can a payee upload any documentation (invoices, receipts, etc.) for a Non-PO Payment Request directly into Penn Marketplace?

Q. Can a supplier upload a PO Invoice in Penn Marketplace?

Q. Can users submit credit memos via the Penn Marketplace?

Q. Are the Invoice Description and the Invoice Date fields required on the Non-PO Payment Request?

Q. Will the actual images of the attachments submitted on a Non-PO Payment Request in Penn Marketplace show up in BEN?

Q. After submitting the Non-PO Payment Request, when will the funds be encumbered?

Q. Can an Approver set a delegate in the Penn Marketplace if he or she will be out of the office?

Q. What steps should be taken when a Non-PO Payment Request has been rejected by an Approver?

Supplier Onboarding

Q. Are new suppliers onboarded through Penn Marketplace after Go-Live?

Q. If new suppliers cannot or will not complete their onboarding in the Portal, is there a way to have a proxy at Penn onboard that supplier?

Q. How should Penn handle Student Awards in the Penn Marketplace?

Q. Will an existing Penn supplier need to register to gain access to Penn Marketplace after Go-Live?

Q. Is an existing supplier required to register for the portal?

Q. How can I tell whether my existing supplier has been invited to register in the Penn Marketplace yet?

Q. Can an end user search for a supplier by using a supplier number in the Penn Marketplace?

Q. Can an end user who does not have BEN Access log into Penn Marketplace and search to determine whether a supplier is a PO or Non-PO supplier?

Q. What happens if a user selects and then completes the New Supplier Request for a Non-PO Payee in error when the supplier should be registered as a PO vendor?

Q. Is a supplier’s street address required on the New Supplier Request?

Q. Does the supplier create their password for the Portal? Can a supplier have more than one user to have access to the system?

Q. Is there a way for suppliers to update their information on the portal?

Q. Can a user directly invite an existing supplier to register on the portal if the supplier does not yet have access?

Q. Will limited engagement contracts need to be provided upon onboarding?

Q. When will documentation for Independent Contractors be uploaded?

Q. Can a Procurement Services Sourcing Manager exchange messages with the user who submitted a New Supplier Request within Penn Marketplace?

Q. Is the user who submitted the New Supplier Request copied on the registration email sent to the prospective supplier?

Q. Will an end user have visibility into the status of his/her New Supplier Request and, if approved, the supplier’s registration process?

Q. Are there automated reminder emails sent to prospective suppliers who have been invited but who have not completed their registration?

Q. Can I search for another user’s New Supplier Request and view its content?

Q. Can I view the status of another user's New Supplier Request?

Q. Can I upload batches of New Supplier Requests into the Penn Marketplace for conferences?


Q. Why is Penn implementing enhancements to the Penn Marketplace?

A. Penn has launched a campus-wide effort to provide the University and its supplier community with an enhanced Penn Marketplace. By introducing this expanded web-based solution, one that will bring direct benefit to the Schools and Centers, this solution improves administrative efficiencies related to supplier onboarding, supplier self-service, electronic PO invoicing, and the Non-PO Payment Request (current PDA process). The impetus for implementing this technology and the marketplace enhancements was driven by feedback received from the field and Penn’s Procure-to-Pay (P2P) Champions regarding ways to improve Penn’s P2P processes.

The high-level objectives of this technology for Penn’s end users and its suppliers include:

  • Providing greater visibility into the status of onboarding, invoicing, and payment transactions for end users and suppliers;
  • Improving efficiencies through automation and supplier self-service; and,
  • Enhancing Penn’s controls through improved, electronic procure-to-pay workflows.

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Q. What will the Penn Marketplace Enhancements do? How will it improve our current processes?

A. The Penn Marketplace will become the destination where the following procure-to-pay processes will be executed:

Supplier Onboarding

Penn users are able to request to onboard all new suppliers, including individual payees, in the enhanced Penn Marketplace. Users have increased visibility into the status and progress of their onboarding request.

Once the request is approved by Penn Procurement Services, suppliers can register and create a profile with their basic business and tax information along with their preferred payment method, which now includes an option for direct deposit. By taking these steps, the supplier can ensure that their data is up-to-date and secure.

Electronic PO Invoicing Process

Suppliers are able to receive their POs through this technology and have the option to submit their invoices electronically, with fewer anticipated errors minimizing exceptions and delays in processing.

Both Suppliers and the University’s end users have greater visibility of an invoice’s details along with its payment status.

Non-PO Payment Request (current PDA)

Penn users can submit Non-PO Payment Requests (currently PDAs) in the enhanced Penn Marketplace. These requests are routed electronically for approval through Schools and Centers, and then submitted directly to Accounts Payable (AP) for payment.

An electronic workflow is expected to reduce errors, eliminate loss of documents between the Schools and Centers and AP, and decrease manual scanning and logging paper files in the Schools and Centers and AP.

Transaction Authorization Cards (TAC) cards are no longer be needed to approve Non-PO Payment Requests.

Suppliers and Penn end users have greater visibility into the workflow of the Non-PO Payment Requests, as well as to the status of the payment.

Note: For suppliers that are paid in foreign currency, the new paper PDA-FC, found on the Accounts Payable website, should be submitted with all necessary documentation directly to Accounts Payable.

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Q. I’ve heard of the “Supplier Portal Initiative.”  Is it related to the launch of the enhanced Penn Marketplace?

A. The Supplier Portal Initiative, or SPI as it was called, was the project Penn conducted to determine whether enhancements to the Penn Marketplace would provide value for the Schools and Centers, Central Administration, and Penn’s Suppliers. Based on a robust series of interviews and workshops with over 90 staff members in 27 Schools and Centers, the project’s Steering Committee, comprised of central and School and Center representation, voted unanimously to implement this new technology at Penn. In July 2017, the Supplier Portal Initiative transitioned to the implementation phase of the enhanced Penn Marketplace.

Information about the Penn Marketplace Enhancements Project is available at

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Q. How will I be able to obtain support?

A. A robust support structure and training materials is available for University users and their suppliers. Everyone will be encouraged to use the self-help features and training materials in the enhanced Penn Marketplace.

If questions cannot be resolved through these methods, Penn users should call BEN HELPS/215-746-4357, 6-4357 for all questions related to the enhanced Penn Marketplace.

If suppliers are in need of technical support, inquiries may be directed to Jaggaer’s Supplier Support Team at 1-800-233-1121 or they may log onto the JAGGAER Customer Support Portal.  Jaggaer is available to assist in technical matters that include resetting a supplier’s password, login issues, as well as technical challenges experienced by a supplier when in the portal.

It is important to note that other issues or topics related to University processes, policies, payments, and a supplier’s registration profile should be directed to the supplier support team at or 215.898.7216. Hours of operation are Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. U.S. Eastern.  These options allow end users and suppliers to receive timely support, and through tracking, the University can log the volume and nature of the inquiries so they can be addressed more systematically.

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Q.  Where can I learn more about the enhanced Penn Marketplace?

A.  Visit and under "Quick Links", click on Marketplace Enhancements, which is located at the top of the "Quick Links" menu. This will connect visitors to the Penn Marketplace Enhancements website. The site provides information and resources about the project, its timeline, governance structure, Change Agent Network along with training information and materials.

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Q. How do I log in to the Penn Marketplace?

A. If you are a user with access to BEN Financials, you can log into Penn Marketplace from BEN. If you have a PennKey but do not have BEN Financials access, you can enter the Penn Marketplace from the Penn Procurement Services website by clicking on "Enter Penn Marketplace" link on the homepage.

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Q. How are Preparers and Approvers chosen to fulfill these roles in the Penn Marketplace?

A. Each School or Center designates its own Preparers and Approvers. There is no limit on the number of Preparers and Approvers that the School or Center can designate. After Preparers and Approvers complete a web-based training course, Accounts Payable will grant access to the Non-PO Payment Request form.

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Q. What is the role of a Preparer?

A. A Preparer is a person within a School and Center who can create and submit Non-PO Payment Requests. There is no limitation on the number of Preparers in any given School or Center and anyone with a PennKey can be a Preparer.  These individuals are tasked with accurately creating a Non-PO Payment Request for submission.

A Preparer’s information should be sent to Accounts Payable through designated channels so the Preparer can complete a web-based training module, a prerequisite to gain access to the Non-PO Payment Request Form. Once training has been successfully completed and access to the system is provided, the Preparer can begin creating Requests in the Penn Marketplace.

Note: The Preparer role is not assigned a dollar level approval so all Non-PO Payment Requests will route to at least one Approver in the hierarchy to be approved for payment.

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Q. Does a Preparer need to know the Chart of Accounts?

A. A Preparer should understand where to get the correct information to populate a valid account string and/or how to use a default account string in a Non-PO Payment Request. Recognizing that this is a departure from the current way of doing business, the following mechanisms have been established so that a Preparer has the support and guidance to ensure accuracy:

1. When identifying Preparers and submitting their information to Accounts Payable. Schools and Centers identify a default Approving ORG and default account string to appear automatically in a Preparer’s profile. This numeric string will automatically populate on their Non-PO Payment Requests to facilitate data entry. This is an optional step that Schools and Centers can take. If a School or Center does not designate a specific default Approving ORG or default account string, one of each will be loaded for the Preparers based on their home ORG.

2. The web-based training module will address the general Chart of Accounts, illustrate how a Preparer can set a default Approving ORG and save multiple ‘Favorite’ accounting strings.

3. There is a place for ’Adding a Note’ on the Non-PO Payment Request Form that a Preparer can use to communicate with an Approver to ensure accuracy.  For example, a Preparer may choose to describe where the funds should be allocated. This helps the individual responsible for authorizing the payment.  Approvers can update the accounting string, should it be necessary. In addition, if an Approver is a Level 1 Approver, he/she has the choice to return the Non-PO Payment Request with comments so the Preparer can update the account string.

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Q. What is the role of an Approver?

A. Similar to today’s TAC card holder, an Approver will have the ability to approve a Non-PO Payment Request to authorize payment. Each Approver will be assigned a dollar-level approval and can authorize payments up to that amount for their assign ORGs. The three standardized approval levels are $5,000, $50,000 and $250,000 for Approvers across the University. An Approver also may forward Non-PO Payment requests. It is the responsibility of an Approver to review all of the information on the Request and any attachments for complete and accurate information, a valid University business purpose, and compliance with all University policies before authorizing it for payment.

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Q. Can there be multiple Approvers with the same dollar-level approval in a given ORG?

A. A School or Center can have multiple Approvers with the same dollar-level approval in an ORG.  If there are two or more Approvers with the same dollar-level approveral, all Non-PO Payment Requests that are submitted for approval will enter a "shared folder" for the Approvers. Each Approver will get a notification that a Non-PO Payment Request is awaiting approval. Any of the multiple Approvers can go into the shared folder, assign that Non-PO Payment Request to his or her folder, and take action on it. Once the Request is assigned, it will be removed from the shared folder and the remaining Approvers will not be able to take action on it. The Request can be returned to the shared folder by the Approver who assigned it to himself or herself, if needed.

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Q. Can an Approver also be a Preparer and create and submit Non-PO Payment Requests?

A. Yes. An Approver can be a Preparer; however, the Approver is still required to assign the Non-PO Payment Request to himself or herself to be able to approve it. This step is easy and quick (and is included in Training), yet it is one that is necessary since simply creating and submitting the request does not automatically approve the payment request.

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Q. What is an Approving ORG?

A. An Approving ORG plays a critical role in the submittal process.  The default Approving ORG approves payment for specific Non-PO Payment Requests. This field that is found within the "Codes" section of the Request facilitates routing a Non-PO Payment Request into the correct hierarchy; thus, it is vital it is defined correctly. A default Approving ORG will be loaded once a Preparer is identified. A Preparer can add or update the Approving Org in his/her profile; or it can be entered manually on every Request. If a Preparer has a default Approving ORG in his/her profile and that default is not correct for a given Non-PO Payment Request, a Preparer may overwrite the default Approving ORG selection.

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Q. How does a School and Center request to add or remove a Preparers and/or Approvers to its hierarchy?

A. Preparers or an Approver needs to be added, removed, or have their access changed in a School or Center's hierarchy and need to complete the necessary e-form on the Financial Systems website. Once the form is submitted and approved, an email from Knowledge Link will be sent to notify the individuals directing them to the web-based training courses(s). The training must be complete before access to the Non-PO Payment Requst form is granted. When access is granted, these individuals will be loaded with a default Approving ORG and default account string based on their Home ORG.

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Q. What is a Non-PO Payment Request?

A. Non-PO Payment Request is the new term for the current Procurement/Disbursement Authorization (PDA) form. Unlike the paper PDA form, the Non-PO Payment Request will be created, approved, and submitted electronically through the Penn Marketplace.

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Q. Will PDAs remain in circulation once Penn Marketplace Enhancements are launched to the community?

A. PDAs that are submitted for new suppliers or payees, that have not been onboarded in the Penn Marketplace, are no longer be accepted by Accounts Payable. Accounts Payable will, however, still process PDAs that are already created, in transit, or in the queue for existing suppliers until Wednesday, May 16, 2018.

Note: For suppliers and payees that are paid in foreign currency, the new paper PDA-FC, found on the Accounts Payable website, should be submitted with all necessary documentation directly to Accounts Payable.

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Q. Can end users type in a full 26-digit account string on Non-PO Payment Requests, as opposed to selecting values for each segment?

A. Although users cannot manually enter the account number, they can save these account numbers, or segments of the 26-digit numeric string, by using the form’s “Favorites” functionality.

For example, if a user consistently works with multiple account strings, the user could save the CNAC-ORG-BC-FUND segments as a Favorite and leave the Program and CREF values blank. When the user completes the Non-PO Payment Request, he or she will only need to select the program and CREF; thereby, reducing the number of clicks needed to enter the account string.

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Q. Are there any restrictions on the type or size of attachments that are uploaded?

A. There are no limitations on the types of attachments that are uploaded. It is important to note that while the system does not limit the type of attachment, the Approver(s) is expected to review all attachments to ensure that the content is accurate and sufficient to authorize that Request. The size of the attachments permitted cannot exceed 10.24MBs.

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Q. How long are documents be retained in Penn Marketplace?

A. Documents and attachments remain indefinitely in Penn Marketplace.

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Q. Can a supplier/payee upload any documentation (invoices, receipts, etc.) for a Non-PO Payment Request directly into Penn Marketplace?

A. Payees do not have access to submit documentation related to a Non-PO Payment Request in the Penn Marketplace. Suppliers with POs may submit invoices electronically through the Portal; however, payees processed on Non-PO Payment Requests (formerly called PDAs) must submit invoices and necessary documentation (receipts, etc.) directly to the Penn end users.

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Q. Can a supplier upload a PO Invoice in Penn Marketplace?

A. All POs will be transmitted through the portal to suppliers. Suppliers who register can log in and use the PO Flip functionality to submit an invoice corresponding to the PO. PO Flips allow suppliers to select their specific PO, then turn that PO into an invoice. The invoice will reflect the same information as on the PO and may be adjusted by the supplier before it is submitted. This functionality eliminates the need for the supplier to create an invoice and either email or mail it to AP to be manually keyed in and paid.

There is also an option for more advanced suppliers.  Suppliers should contact the Purchasing Operations Service Center if they want to submit a *.csv file with multiple transactions through the portal. Training to perform this task is necessary.

Please note that a supplier cannot upload a *.pdf of an invoice directly into Penn Marketplace. Although less efficient, suppliers can continue to submit PDF invoices to the specified AP inbox or submit paper PO invoices to AP to be manually processed.

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Q. Can users submit credit memos via the Penn Marketplace?

A. Users can submit a Non-PO Credit Memo Request through Penn Marketplace for issuing credits for Non-PO suppliers. This form is accessible to users who have been designated as Preparers or Approvers by their Schools and Centers and have completed the required web-based training. Once the Non-PO Credit Memo Request has been created by the Preparer, it routes to the Level I Approver in the designated Approving Org for review and authorization to pay. Non-PO Credit Memo Requests do not route automatically to the Level II or Level III for approval and should only be used for Non-PO Suppliers. PO suppliers that wish to issue a credit can do so by using EDI or cXML, if they are enabled, the PO Flip, or by submitting the credit invoice directly to AP via email or mail.

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Q. Are the Invoice Description and the Invoice Date fields required on the Non-PO Payment Request?

A. The Invoice Description field is required while the Invoice Date field is not. If the user does not complete the Invoice Date, the field will default to the date when the Non-PO Payment Request is submitted in Penn Marketplace. The Request highlights this functionality to the user.

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Q. Will the actual images of the attachments submitted on a Non-PO Payment Request in Penn Marketplace show up in BEN?

A. A user should log in to Penn Marketplace to view the attachments on a Non-PO Payment Request. A rendered image will be available in BEN.

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Q. After submitting the Non-PO Payment Request, when will the funds be encumbered?

A. Funds on PDA requests only create invoice type encumbrances.  This functionality continues with Non-PO Payment Requests submitted in Penn Marketplace.  After a Non-PO Payment Request has been through the School or Center approval hierarchy and is “Ok to Pay,” the invoice is sent from Penn Marketplace to BEN that night. The nightly process creates the invoice record in BEN and is queued for payment.

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Q. Can an Approver set a delegate in the Penn Marketplace if he or she will be out of the office?

A. Approvers should assign a delegate in Penn Marketplace when they are going to  be out of the office. That substitute has the ability to approve all Non-PO Requests up to the original Approver’s authorized limit for as long as he or she is assigned. When selecting a substitute, an Approver has the option to enter start and end dates for when the substitute is needed. If start and end dates are not selected, the substitute begins to receive the assigner’s Non-PO Payment Requests for approval. An Approver can only assign a delegate for himself or herself, and not on behalf of another user.

If an Approver assigns a higher-level Approver in the same ORG as a substitute, the higher-level Approver will have to approve the Non-PO Request twice if the Request is over the lower level Approver’s authorized limit. For example, a Level I Approver assigns a Level II Approver in the same Org as his/her substitute. If a Non-PO Request is over five thousand dollars, then the Level II Approver must approve the Request twice to authorize its payment. The first approval will act as the substitute approval and the second approval is the Level II’s regular approval.

If an Approver fails to assign a delegate, Schools and Centers should contact Accounts Payable to set a delegate for the Approver and move any Non-PO Payment Requests from the original Approver’s queue to the substitute’s queue.  AP can override delegate assignments, if necessary.

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Q. Are new suppliers onboarded through Penn Marketplace?

A. Yes.  New Non-PO and PO suppliers, which include individual "payees" who receive honoraria, refunds, awards and reimbursements for expenses like travel etc. from Penn, and PO suppliers, such as organizations, companies, and independent contractors, must be onboarded through Penn Marketplace. This includes both foreign and domestic suppliers. No POs or Non-PO Payment Requests can be created or payments issued to the supplier/payee until they are onboarded and appear in the Penn Marketplace.

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Q. If new suppliers cannot or will not complete their onboarding in the Portal, is there a way to have a proxy at Penn onboard that supplier?

A. A Penn user can act as a proxy to onboard suppliers/payees  in exceptional instances. Penn’s expectation is that suppliers/payees will register themselves in the vast majority of cases to ensure that they can manage their sensitive data securely and to encourage them to transact with Penn electronically.  In instances when self-registration for a domestic supplier is not possible, end users can collect and upload the supplier’s collateral (e.g. tax documents such as the W-9) onto the New Supplier Request Form in Penn Marketplace.

A domestic supplier who is registered by proxy may only receive payment via check. At no time should Penn end users collect banking information from suppliers.  Foreign suppliers cannot generally be onboarded through proxy registration so Penn users should contact the Supplier Support Team at 215.898.7216 or email to get assistance.

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Q. How should Penn handle Student Awards in the Penn Marketplace?

A. All students receiving awards from the University must be present in Penn Marketplace. If the award is intended to be a surprise, Penn staff can collect the student's W-9, or equivalent for foreign nationals, and complete complete the New Supplier Request Form. The user should indicate on the Form that it is a "proxy registration," and then upload the student's tax documentation.  Once the student is registered in Penn Marketplace, the Preparer can create the Non-PO Payment Request, and indicate on the Form that a "will call" check is needed.

If the award is not a surprise for the recipient, Penn staff should request the student be onboarded to the Penn Marketplace by submitting a standard New Supplier Request.  The student can then register in the portal via the invitation link from Procurement Services. Once registered, the Preparer can then create the Non-PO Payment Request.  Payment will then be issued to the student, using his/her preferred payment method, which can now be direct deposit.

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Q. Will an existing Penn supplier need to register to gain access to Penn Marketplace?

A. To access the portal and benefit from its features, an existing supplier needs to be invited to register. It’s important to note that all existing Penn suppliers that have conducted business with Penn in the prior 18 months before Go-Live will have their information migrated from BEN into Penn Marketplace prior to Go-Live. If an existing supplier has not registered and is listed in Penn Marketplace, end users may continue to do business with them just as they do today.

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Q. Is an existing supplier required to register for the portal?

A. Although registration is not mandated, it is highly recommended that existing suppliers register for the portal so they have access to its benefits, including additional visibility into invoices and payments, functionality to conveniently submit electronic PO invoices, and the ability to select direct deposit or other electronic payment methods for quicker reimbursement. Should a supplier wish to change or add remit-to addresses (pay sites) after Go-Live, a supplier must register in the portal to make those updates.

Penn's existing suppliers will be invited to register in phases by Penn Procurement Services and this effort is expected to continue over the summer months. After Wednesday, May 30, 2018, if a user would like to have an existing supplier sent an invitation to register immediately, the company can request it by contacting with the supplier's details.

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Q. How can I tell whether my existing supplier has been invited to register in the Penn Marketplace yet?

A. Users can log on to Penn Marketplace and run a supplier search using the left-hand navigation. When viewing the supplier's record, the user will look at two things. First, a green check mark on the supplier's record indicates that the supplier is available for the user to complete transactions. A red "x" on the record indicates that the supplier is not available for end users to use for transactions. The registration status will also appear on the supplier record. If the status is blank but the supplier has a green check mark on its record, they have NOT been invited to register yet.

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Q. Can an end user search for a supplier by using a supplier number in the Penn Marketplace?

A. A supplier can be found in Penn Marketplace by entering the supplier name or the supplier number in the search function.  Searching by the supplier number is the preferred method as less errors are likely to occur than locating a supplier by name.

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Q. Can an end user who does not have BEN Access log into Penn Marketplace and search to determine whether a supplier is a PO or Non-PO supplier?

A. Anyone with a PennKey can log into the Penn Marketplace via Penn's Procurement Services website and search for a supplier. When searching for a supplier, a green “PO” icon will appear next to a supplier’s name, indicating that the supplier is a PO supplier. If the “PO” icon is not present, the supplier is a Non-PO supplier.

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Q. What happens if a user selects and then completes the New Supplier Request for a Non-PO Payee in error when the supplier should be registered as a PO vendor?

A. When the Procurement Services Operations Center receives a user’s New Supplier Request, staff will determine whether the supplier should be registered as a PO supplier or a Non-PO supplier. Purchasing will notify the user if they believe the supplier should be onboarded as a different type of supplier than indicated on the New Supplier Request.

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Q. Is a supplier’s street address required on the New Supplier Request?

A. The supplier’s street address is required on the New Supplier Request in Penn Marketplace. This helps the Procurement Services Operations Center to verify the Supplier is not already onboarded and available in the system.

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Q. Does the supplier create their password for the Portal? Can a supplier have more than one user to have access to the system?

A. The supplier creates and manages its unique password. Multiple users may be added by the supplier and the supplier determines which of their  users can perform specific functions within the portal.

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Q. Is there a way for suppliers to update their information on the portal?

A. The portal is “self-service” for suppliers once they register. Suppliers may log in and update their profile, including contact or payment information, at any time.

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Q. Can a user directly invite an existing supplier to register on the portal if the supplier does not yet have access?

A. A user may not directly invite a supplier to register on the portal. After Wednesday, May 30, 2018, Penn end users should contact the Procurement Services Operations Center at with their request.

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Q. Will limited engagement contracts need to be provided upon onboarding?

A. While completing a New Supplier Request for a new Non-PO Payee, the user must select whether the payee is going to be used for a limited engagement at the University. If limited engagement is selected from the drop-down menu, the user will be prompted to provide a short explanation as to why this designation has been made. The user does not upload documentation at this point. All documentation related to limited engagement providers will be required when the Preparer creates the Non-PO Payment Request.

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Q. When will documentation for Independent Contractors be uploaded?

A. When a user creates a New Supplier Request for a PO supplier and indicates that the supplier is an individual/non-business entity, the user is prompted to upload the Service Provider Evaluation (SPE) and Service Provider Questionnaire (SPQ). The Request and its supporting documentation is then submitted to the Procurement Services Operations Center.

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Q. Can a Procurement Services Sourcing Manager exchange messages with the user who submitted a New Supplier Request within Penn Marketplace?

A. That messaging functionality is not available within Penn Marketplace. Sourcing Managers will contact end users via email or telephone.

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Q. Is the user who submitted the New Supplier Request copied on the registration email sent to the prospective supplier?

A. The Penn end user is notified the supplier has been asked to register; however, the user does not see the actual communication.

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Q. Will an end user have visibility into the status of his/her New Supplier Request and, if approved, the supplier’s registration process?

A. In Penn Marketplace, users can see the statuses of their New Supplier Request and, if approved, the status of the new supplier’s registration process on the My Supplier Requests dashboard. For additional explanation on the statuses, please visit Status Notices Found on My Supplier Request Dashboard on the Penn Procurement Services website.

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Q. Are there automated reminder emails sent to prospective suppliers who have been invited but who have not completed their registration?

A. The system offers automated reminders on behalf of Penn to remind invited suppliers to register.

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Q. Can I search for another user’s New Supplier Request and view its content?

A. A user may only view his or her New Supplier Requests.

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Q. Can I upload batches of New Supplier Requests into the Penn Marketplace for conferences?

A. Please contact the Procurement Services Operations Centers at or 215.898.7216 to discuss this functionality.

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Q. Can I resend an approved purchase order myself from the Penn Marketplace?

A. You may resend an approved purchase order yourself from the Penn Marketplace by following these instructions.

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Q. What steps should be taken when a Non-PO Payment Request has been rejected by an Approver?

A. To resubmit a Request that has been rejected, a Preparer must open the form request and save it as a favorite.  He or she can then proceed to make the necessary changes and resubmit the Non PO-Payment Request for approval.

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Q. Can I view the status of another user's New Supplier Request?

A. There is no way to access and view another user’s New Supplier Request or dashboard. If you have the name of the supplier/payee that the user requested, please complete a Supplier Search in Penn Marketplace to ascertain whether that supplier/payee is available and what is its registration status. If the supplier/payee is in Penn Marketplace, click on its name, which will link you to additional information as to when an invitation to register in the portal  was issued. A green checkmark and a BEN number indicates a supplier’s availability so a PO or Non-PO Request can be created. The Supplier Search, accessible by anyone with a PennKey, is located in the left-hand navigation of the Penn Marketplace homepage under the Supplier’s icon.

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