Penn Purchasing Logo Image with Penn Shield
Penn Marketplace


Penn Marketplace is a web-based solution that enables Penn users the ability to travel within the portal throughout the procure-to-pay (P2P) journey.  Shoppers initiate the process by browsing the marketplace for the goods and services they require.  Penn Marketplace also is the destination where users can onboard new suppliers, conduct electronic Non-PO invoicing, as well as create, submit, and approve Non-PO Payment Requests.  From procurement to payment, Penn’s P2P processes and workflows are reflected in Penn Marketplace and are designed to improve administrative efficiencies, a direct benefit to the University’s Schools and Centers.  Penn end users and suppliers gain greater visibility into the status of onboarding, invoicing, and payment transactions.

Penn Marketplace Access



New Supplier Requests – All new suppliers/payees are required to be added to Penn Marketplace prior to formally beginning their business relationship with the University. Faculty or staff paid directly by Penn can initiate the request to add the organization or individual to the online portal.

Preparers of Non-PO Payment Requests - A Preparer is a person within a School and Center who can create and submit Non-PO Payment Requests. There is no limitation on the number of Preparers in any given School or Center and any Penn paid faculty or staff can be a Preparer.  These individuals are tasked with accurately creating a Non-PO Payment Request for submission.

Approvers of Non-PO Payment Requests -  Approvers have the ability to approve a Non-PO Payment Request to authorize payment. Each Approver will be assigned a dollar-level approval and can authorize payments up to that amount for their assigned ORGs. The three standardized approval levels are $5,000, $50,000, and $250,000 for Approvers across the University. An Approver also may forward Non-PO Payment requests. It is the responsibility of an Approver to review all of the information on the Request and any attachments for complete and accurate information, a valid University business purpose, and compliance with all University policies before authorizing it for payment.

Training Resources and Support

Users who visit Penn Marketplace to perform a variety of other tasks associated with procure-to-pay functions have a wide range of support and resources available to them.

Training for Preparers and Approvers of Non-PO Payment Requests

Quick Reference Guides and Videos are available on a range of Penn Marketplace topics: Getting Started with Penn Marketplace, Submitting a Non-PO Payment Request, Request A New Supplier, SP Payment Request, Approve a Non-PO Payment Request, Foreign Supplier Handling & Using The Expanded Search Supplier List

Penn users also have access to a robust series of FAQs that have been categorized by several topics:  Preparers and Approvers, Non-P.O Payment Requests, Supplier Onboarding, and General Questions.

Supplier related inquiries can be directed to the team via