The University regulates use of its name, including University of Pennsylvania, Penn, the names of its schools and programs, its shield and related insignia, trademarks and logos ("insignia") to ensure that such use is related to the University's educational, service and research missions and promotes its objectives. Use of the University name and seal is regulated by the Office of the Secretary with assistance from the Office of University Communications. Questions regarding use of the Penn seal should be directed to  | Style GuideTo help you understand the proper treatment of the Penn Brand, a style guide demonstrating correct usages for stationery, business cards, printed publications, etc. as well as the Penn logo is available for download as a PDF file. In order to ensure a unified web presence and reinforce Penn's brand identity, official University web pages also need to follow standards and guidelines. Information on the Penn web style is available through the Office of University Communications.
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Penn LogosThe Penn logos are the primary graphic elements of the University branding program. Consistent application and precise production of the logos will identify and reinforce public awareness of the University, its schools, departments, and other areas. When the logos are used properly with the other elements of the branding program, a unique and effective visual style can be established. It is necessary to use a PennKey ID and password to access the logos.Use of the University logo only is managed by University Communications. If you need the logo of an individual school or center, including Athletics, you must contact that school or center directly. Information on obtaining a University logo is provided below.
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