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Strategic Sourcing & Category Management

To leverage the University's buying power to the greatest benefit of Penn, Procurement Services routinely develops and executes strategic sourcing initiatives in alignment with the University's goals and requirements. In addition, centrally-sourced suppliers are managed by Procurement Services to ensure that Penn customers are being served to the highest extent in accordance with University contracts and customer service expectations.

The Sourcing function is the University’s gateway to the supply base. Procurement Services' Strategic Sourcing team (also referred to as Category Management team) is responsible for establishing and managing relationships with suppliers and for the conscientious stewardship of the University’s funds when procuring goods and services. Procurement decisions have a significant impact on performance, not only in terms of costs, but also regarding quality, innovation, responsiveness, and opportunity. The Strategic Sourcing staff does not just focus on cost containment, but on prioritizing maximized value and risk mitigation.

The Procurement Services' Strategic Sourcing team is generally aligned by spend category to best leverage category expertise as well as internal and external relationships.