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Performance Expectations

Procurement Services has established the following supplier expectations to ensure the delivery of quality, value, service and return-on investment to the University's customers and senior management.

Commitment.  Be committed to Penn's quest for quality, business excellence, and high standards of performance.  Become a Preferred Contract Supplier to Penn and be committed to the Supplier Classification requirements.

Superior Quality. Have a documented, quality system.  Use process controls and emphasize defect prevention rather than defect detection. Be proactive.  Ensure compliance with contractual agreements.  Strive for continuous improvement in the quality of products and services in all facets of operations.

Technology and Innovation. Provide products and services that tive Penn a technical, process, or service advantage. Participate in the development of process improvements and new applicaitons with Procurement Services staff members. Offer innovative solutions that differentiate Penn from its peer institutions.

Lowest Total Cost. Openly share information on all elements of cost.  Achieve productivity improvements, which result in lower costs every year.  Provide ideas and solutions that will drive lower total costs for products and services.

Responsiveness. Promptly respond to requests for information, technical assistance, and corrective action. Participate in Preferred Contract Supplier quarterly review sessions.  Ensure that all Penn departments are promptly serviced professionally and to the highest customer-service standards.

On-Time Delivery. Keep commitments to deliver on time to the designated location with the proper quantity. Comply with purchase order and contract requirements regarding schedules and deliveries for products and services.

Community and Environmental Responsibility. Meet, and preferably surpass, all applicable regulatory requirments. Inform Procurement Services of changes that will affect compliance with applicable regulations. Work with Procurement Services to resolve mutual environmental concerns.

Honesty and Integrity. Conduct all business in an honest and ethical manner. Do not accept specifications or requirements, which your company cannot meet. Promptly notify Procurement Services when there are changes to products and services, which have the potential to impact the firm's business relationship with Penn. Notify Procurement Services of intentions to discontinue supply of products or services well in advance of the discontinuance schedule to allow Penn enough time to develop an alternative solution. Protect the confidentiality of Penn information.

Effective Use of Electronic Commerce.  Participate in the development of hosted or punch-out electronic product cataglogs and draft card solutions to automate the procurement-to-payment process as much as possible.  Receive electronic purchase order, submit electronic purchase order invoices, and accept electronic payment opitons.  Participate in the use of eSourcing tools.  Ensure that all supplier purchase order invoices reference an official University purchase order number and submit all purchase order invoices directly to Accounts Payable to ensure timely payment of invoices.