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Becoming a Penn Supplier

In order to conduct business with the University of Pennsylvania and to be listed as an approved supplier in Penn Marketplace, new suppliers/payees must:

1) meet a specific requirement of the University and be requested to be added by a Penn faculty or staff member;

2) be approved by the University for onboarding, and

3) complete the supplier registration process.

Penn Procurement Services facilitates the onboarding of new suppliers and payees on behalf of the University.  New supplier additions are either requested by Penn’s buying community or added directly by Procurement Services following the completion of a RFP initiative, at which point an invite is issued to the prospective supplier.  Upon invite, suppliers are onboarded through Penn’s supplier portal, powered by Jaggaer.

It is important that each prospective supplier reviews the information on the Doing Business with Penn page.  Upon onboarding, suppliers must review and agree to Penn’s PO Terms & Conditions and agree to comply with Penn’s Supplier Code of Conduct and the University’s conflict of interest policies.